
Whether you’re a seasoned meditator, or unsure where to start, I’m looking forward to supporting you along this journey!

It took me a while to come around to meditation. I thought that because I was dealing with anxiety, there was no way to calm my mind. I had a lot of preconceived notions about meditation that eventually faded as I learned more about what meditation is, and the many different ways to approach a meditation practice.

I was introduced to meditation through both Reiki and Yoga, and I’m grateful that I was able to find a mix of tools and techniques that work well for me. That means that I have plenty of ideas to help you on your meditation journey!

There are many benefits to a regular meditation practice!

  • Reduced stress,

  • Better sleep,

  • Support for anxiety and depression,

  • Mood regulation,

  • Even lowering blood pressure!

Helping people learn to meditate is my driving passion behind Heart Mind Healing. Whether it’s meditating together, or supporting your personal practice, I’m here to help!

Guided Meditations

My first recommendation for brand new meditators is to listen to guided meditations. They’re helpful because you have words to listen to, and you aren’t alone with your thoughts right away. Most guided meditations will walk you through the relaxation process. Some guided meditations rely heavily on visualizations, while others bring your focus to different sensations in your body. Try different styles and teachers so that you can find what works best for you!

I have guided meditations available free on the app Insight Timer.  This app has a huge library of free meditations.

Meditation Groups and Classes

Another way to learn or practice is with meditating in a group or class. These can be in person or online, depending on what’s available near you and your schedule. Local yoga studios can be a great resource.

If you’re near Gainesville, FL, you can check out our offerings here.